Thursday, October 26, 2006


I have been doing a small groups study with 2 ladies from my church every Thursday evening. I am soooo thankful that God has put us together. We have only met 3 times, yet I have been blessed so much already by our Lord - I can't put it into words.

I don't know why, but every time the subject of "small groups" comes up at church, I cringe (when we're leading up to start a new term of small groups) I get this "ugh, again???" attitude about it. It is so silly to feel that way, and so WRONG! Each small group I have been a part of has been absolutely amazing!

I'm very lucky...very blessed to be able to have this experience.

I feel myself growing as a Christian in the sight of our Lord..and it is great.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Been in hiding...

I know its been a long time since my last post. A lot has been going on, and I just haven't had the energy to post.

I'm battling a health inconvience that is getting me down. I keep having these painful chest pains (which causes shortness of breath). My doctor doesn't know what is causing it..and his office has yet to call me back for a stress test appointment. It keeps me from exercising, and I just feel like a big pile of blob right now!

Oh well... life goes on - either here, or in eternity.

There isn't much reason for this post, other than to announce that I'm still alive!