Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Saved by butter

The Silver Maple School has been met with many challenges over the last few weeks. Attitudes and personalities have been on the front line of the battle field for many days. The casualties (Mom's frayed nerves) lay strewn across the countryside.

Today started with yet another bombing attack. Amidst all the smoke and shrapnel, an unknown ally came to the defense. His gallant name is Butter. Butter was able to help Attitude and Personality see past their differences, if for only a brief moment, and unite in a common goal. A cease fire occurred, and for one glorious moment, the Silver Maple battlefield rejoiced in Peace!

How, you ask, did this occur? A simple science experiment, of course!

Today, I decided to interrupt all other activities with a neat little experiment, making butter! It's simple enough, it just takes a lot of arm work. We used:

1 recycled peanut butter jar
1 container heavy cream

I filled the jar 3/4 way full with heavy cream, and added about a tablespoon of salt. Then, I put the lid on tightly and started shaking. The kids also took turns shaking the jar. We had to shake it for 20 minutes total.

It was a neat experiment. For the first 15 minutes, you really can't tell that anything is happening. Then the changes begin to happen. The children were excited, and they couldn't wait to try out our creation. It was during this brief moment that all the stress of the morning fell away, at least for now!

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